In an extraordinary feat, young activists from Balochistan have introduced, Pakistan's pioneering platform in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) conducted in the Urdu language. This groundbreaking initiative, led by visionary activists Mr. Qaisar Roonjha, co-founder of Wang Lab of Innovation (WALI), and Mr. Khalid Hussain Mir, a digital creator, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Peel Technologies Ltd., aims to revolutionize AI education and bridge the knowledge gap among individuals and communities. signifies a significant milestone in the pursuit of accessible AI education. Recognizing the language barriers faced by many, especially those in underprivileged communities, endeavors to democratize AI knowledge by offering comprehensive educational resources in Urdu. Guided by Mr. Roonjha and Mr. Mir, envisions a future where language and background pose no hindrance to harnessing the transformative power of AI.
"The launch of is a momentous step towards making AI education inclusive for all," declares Mr. Qaisar Roonjha, a prominent activist and co-founder of "We firmly believe that knowledge knows no linguistic boundaries. Our platform empowers individuals and communities to unlock the immense potential of AI." provides a wide array of educational materials and engaging opportunities. Serving as a hub for the latest developments in AI, with a special emphasis on generative AI tools in Urdu, the platform caters to individuals at various levels of AI proficiency. It offers online courses, tutorials, webinars, and in-person workshops. Additionally, actively collaborates with universities and educational institutions to integrate AI education into mainstream curricula, advocating for the integration of AI knowledge across disciplines.
Mr. Khalid Hussain Mir, a respected activist and key member of, emphasizes, "Our mission extends beyond education alone. We strive to foster a supportive ecosystem for AI enthusiasts, promoting collaboration, research, and innovation. will serve as a dynamic platform for networking, resource sharing, and showcasing success stories in the field of AI." is dedicated to raising awareness about AI and its potential impact on society. Through strategic media outreach and advocacy efforts, the organization aims to spark discussions and facilitate informed decision-making regarding the benefits and risks associated with AI. As a result, has gained global media recognition, including coverage on ""
Pakistani activists Mr. Qaisar Roonjha and Mr. Khalid Hussain Mir, at the forefront of, invite individuals, communities, and organizations to join them on this transformative journey. Together, they aim to shape a future where AI education transcends linguistic barriers, empowering people from all walks of life.